



Also, download and install Growl and GrowlNotify from Prereqs.: Create a key using ssh-keygen and import it into the Mikrotik Router, using. Software: Growl and GrowlNotify, Automator, Terminal, SSH Hardware: MacMini OS 10.7.5, RouterBoard 6.7 Its the first script I've made (with the help of a friend) i'm sure this could be improved and made more efficient. (Though I wish your progress was displayed in Watts’ menu so you could close the Calibration window during the procedure.Here is a script for toggling wifi on and off. In fact, you’re encouraged to do so, so you’ll see Watts’ notifications. You can use your laptop during all but Step 5. Reconnect the AC adapter and fully charge the battery.


Allow the laptop to sleep-unplugged from the AC adapter-for at least five hours.(Watts helpfully reminds you, just before sleep, to save any unsaved work.) Continue to use the computer until it goes to sleep.Unplug your MacBook’s AC adapter so the computer is running off its battery.Keep the laptop plugged in, with a fully charged battery, for at least two hours.Plug in the computer and fully charge the battery.The utility then walks you through the appropriate steps, telling you, for each step, approximately how much time is remaining: (It also offers a Postpone button if you want to put off the procedure for a day or so.) Once you’ve set your maintenance schedule-the default is every five weeks, but you can choose to perform the procedure more or less frequently-Watts reminds you when its time to calibrate. These features alone would make Watts a useful add-on for MacBook users, but it’s the program’s battery-calibration component that makes it truly unique. A click on the Help button displays explanatory text about each bit of information, and clicking Show Table displays a history of your battery’s capacity-you can manually add the current data to the table. Choose Calibration & More from Watts’ menu and then click the Information button, and Watts displays the number of complete charge cycles you’ve performed on your battery (along with the number of cycles the battery was designed to handle), and the original and current capacity of your battery. HardwareGrowler, when your laptop’s remaining charge dips below the percentage you choose.ĬoconutBattery (and several similar utilities out there), Watts can provide detailed information about the status of your MacBook’s battery. Watts can also notify you, like Unplugged and Growl to notify you whenever your laptop switches to battery power-useful for those times when your MagSafe connector accidentally gets disconnected-or from battery to AC power. SlimBatteryMonitor ( ), you can customize Watts’ menu-bar display so that it takes up less room than Apple’s version: you can choose to show just a battery icon (which changes to an AC plug when your laptop is connected to its AC adapter), just the time remaining, or just the percentage charge remaining. Watts sits in your menu bar, providing an improved alternative to Apple’s stock battery menu item.


It also incorporates noteworthy features of a few other portable Gems.


Link to an iCal calendar that will remind you each month to calibrate.) Today’s Gem, Watts, aims to make such maintenance both easier and more effective. Link to the company’s recommended calibration procedure and a Notebook-battery Web page provides more information about MacBook batteries, including a


As I noted in ourĮssential Mac Maintenance feature, you shouldĬalibrate your laptop’s battery once every month or so.


But that doesn’t mean modern notebook batteries are maintenance free-if you want to keep your MacBook’s battery performing at its best, you need to take care of it. These days, laptop batteries no longer suffer from the “memory effect” and related life-shortening afflictions.
