mercial hollow cathode lamp and a glow-discharge system built in-house, use is made of. Hollow cathode lamps (HCL) are discharge lamps designed for use in Atomic Absorption (AA) instruments.

components of the radiation emitted by the furnace wall cause systematic errors in the ZAA signal and also contribute to the noise. Low-pressu re Discharges by Concentrat ion-modulated Absorption. modulation of the laser by a chopper (frequencies from 1. The enhancement is much more pronounced in integrated absorbance than in peak absorbance. For frequency stabilization, we demonstrate modulation-free polarization spectroscopy of Sr in a hollow cathode lamp. chosen hollow-cathode lamp a convenient tool for high-resolution spectroscopic experiments. Cathode hole is 3 mm in diameter and 15 mm long. The lamp is a sealed glass tube filled with Ne (p3.5 Torr) containing a Mn cylindrical hollow cathode open at one end and a ring shaped anode. The frequency of a 399 nm laser is tightly. We use a Hilger and Watts commercial hollow cathode lamp which is normally applied as a spectral source. When furnace emission is present, the ZAA:AAS ratio is increased. Abstract: The modulation transfer spectroscopy in an ytterbium hollow cathod lamp at 399 nm is demonstrated. The ratio of the absorbances, ZAA:AAS, is equal in peak height and in integrated absorbance in the absence of furnace emission. The modulation transfer spectroscopy in an ytterbium hollow cathod lamp at 399 nm is demonstrated. The ratio of the signals measured with Zeeman-effect background-corrected atomic absorption spectrometry (ZAA) and atomic absorption spectrometry without Zeeman-effect background correction (AAS), depends on the contribution of the furnace emission intensity to the measured intensities. components, independent of the total amount of furnace emission that reaches the detector. In general, a monochromator aids in the removal of the.

About 8% of the radiation emitted by the wall of the graphite furnace consists of a.c. Source modulation is used in Atomic Absorption spectroscopy to eliminate these interferences.